Iowa CNA License Lookup

How to perform a Iowa CNA License Lookup?

Iowa CNA License Lookup to search for a nursing license in the state of Iowa can be done by clicking here. If you need assistance from a real person, you can call Iowa BON and speak directly to a real person with regards to verify a Iowa nurse license at the phone number (515) 281-3255.

Performing a Iowa CNA License Lookup requires information for the lookup & search including First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Business or Company Name, License Type, Attribute Type, Nursing License Number, Location (City, County, State, Zip Code), and License Status.

Iowa Nursing License Validity in Other States

Is my Iowa nursing license valid in other states?

Watch this video to learn if your Iowa nursing license valid in other states, how can you register your Iowa nursing license in other states, and what is the process you need to follow.

Iowa BON Phone Number for Iowa CNA License Lookup

What is Iowa BON phone number for Iowa CNA License Lookup?

Iowa Board of Nursing main number (Iowa BON Number) to talk to an agent of Iowa BON with regards to Iowa CNA License Lookup and nursing license issues is (515) 281-4825. You can also check the following Iowa BON phone directory:

Main number: (515) 281-3255
Iowa BON number: 515-281-3264
Executive Director: (515) 281-3256
Associate Director – Enforcement: (515) 729-4312
RN Associate Director: (515) 201-2509
Licensing Administration: (515) 281-5535
RN Iowa Nurse Assistance Program Coordinator: (515) 725-4008

​RN or LPN renewal application: 515-281-3264
Name/address changes: 515-725-3388
Application for licensure by examination: 515-281-6488
ARNP initial application: 515-281-4827
Continuing education rules: 515-201-2509
Continuing education audits: 515-281-8258
Formal nursing education in Iowa: 515-326-4400
Disciplinary issues: 515-281-6472

Iowa BON Calling Hours

What is are the best hours to call Iowa BON for Iowa CNA License Lookup related matters?

The best hours to call Iowa BON and talk to a real person at Iowa Board of Nursing regarding Iowa CNA License Lookup are between 11:00 am to 04:00 pm on weekdays.

Iowa BON Fax Number

What is Iowa BON fax number?

Iowa BON fax number where you can send fax messages, documents and forms in regards to Iowa CNA License Lookup is (515) 281-4825.

Do you need any assistance with Iowa BON, or other nursing license matters from our team, please send us the details of your inquiry using the contact us form or the comments form below.

Iowa Board of Nursing (Iowa BON) Address for Iowa CNA License Lookup

What is Iowa BON address for Iowa CNA License Lookup?

Iowa Board of Nursing (Iowa BON) address where you can send official letters, documents and forms in regards to Iowa CNA License Lookup is:

Iowa Board of Nursing (Iowa BON)
Street: 400 SW 8th Street, Suite B
City: Des Moines
State: Iowa
Zip: 50309

Iowa BON Website

You can visit Iowa BON official website by clicking here.

This website is a board of nursing license hub that provides the best and most updated information for Iowa CNA License Lookup and other BON nationwide.

Users may find new information for Iowa CNA License Lookup and they share it with us, helping us help other users. If you find new data for Iowa BON or Iowa CNA License Lookup, we would appreciate if you dropped us a quick message via the contact us page form or the comments form below.

We always make sure to confirm any new information fast and publish it for free for the benefits of you and all users who need information for Iowa CNA License Lookup.

This is a high-quality website that has no affiliation with any federal or state department, agency, bureau, professional board, office, or commission.

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